This year has been amazing for me and I can’t believe it’s already time to crown new title holders. This year I have really tried to put myself out there, and volunteer where needed; I even mentioned in my newspaper article, to contact me if you need a volunteer. I had a lot of great feedback from my article, as I explained what this pageant is really about. People only see the televised version, not all of the hours practicing, learning and giving back to others. These women are not just pretty faces, they are strong, smart and talented women and girls supporting one another and making a difference!
My year started with raising money for the Cops for Cancer charity. It was quite a rewarding experience. Once I was crowned I had the honor of representing Miss BC in September as the “tour de north†came through Houston. I gave a brief speech about the pageant and how it has contributed each year to their charity. I was able to help with the Houston drag races, act as Master of Ceremonies at the Houston mud drags, and again at Houston’s Multicultural Festival.
In May I will be participating in the Relay for Life. My grandmother is a cancer survivor and it means the world to me to know how proud she is of me. I am honored as she has asked me to walk in the survivors lap with her. Once again I will be coaching kid’s soccer and I was able to coach girls' volleyball as well. In July, I will be competing in the Miss National Canadian Pageant. I can`t wait to meet more inspiring and empowering women and girls.
In the last year I have become more confident and daring! I finally drove on a highway after 12 years of avoiding it, after our car accident. This was a huge personal hurdle! I also decided to take online schooling and I am now a certified makeup artist. And like I said, I have acted as Master of Ceremonies at a couple of events, which before this pageant I could not have imagined it!
I would just like to say thank you to my Miss BC family, everyone has been amazing!!
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